

Rm 6, Block C, 10/F, Tong Yuen Factory Building,
505 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok

Contact: Kazaf Chow

Quote Number QUO2024-04003
Quote Date April 14, 2024
Total $247,000.00
Long Wo Engineering Limited

Contact Person: Luk Chun Lam
Tel: (852) 98626083
Address: Unit A, 7/F, Max Share Centre, No 373 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Website Design

Layout Design - Up to 20 Pages
Responsive Layout (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
One Language - Traditional Chinese


Users registration and login
Role Management
Create / edit / delete users information
Create / edit / delete images
Create / edit / delete pages and posts
Create / edit / delete information on pages and posts

1 Project Management System

Create / edit / delete clients
Create / edit / delete projects
Add tasks / milestones to projects
Add quotes to projects
Add invoices to projects
Create / edit / delete team members
Team member role management
Assign team members to projects

1 Client Relationship Management

Create / edit / delete client information
Create / edit / delete contact groups
Activity logs to show all dealings
Schedule Meetings
Assign contacts to agents
Create / edit / delete quotes
Create / edit / delete invoices

1 Vendor Management

Create / edit / delete vendors
Create / edit / delete vendor categories
Create / edit / delete vendor information

1 Accounting

User role and access management
Create / edit / delete incomes
Create / edit / delete expenses
Expenses tracing
Trial Balance
Income Statement
Balance Sheet

Sub Total $247,000.00
Tax $0.00
Total $247,000.00